Stop Hair Loss In It’s Tracks With These Tips

Losing hair is a part of life that many people have to deal with. If there are bald people in your family, it is possible that you, too, may lose hair easily. If you are experiencing hair loss, or worried that it may happen to you, you can learn how to stop or prevent losing your hair.

Increase your intake of protein to prevent or reduce hair loss. Your hair is composed of protein! To get protein, you should consume fish, red meat, poultry and eggs. If you do not like meat – eat kidney beans and lentils for protein. Eating foods rich in protein may slow down your hair loss significantly.

When eaten regularly, the white variety of sesame seeds can slow hair loss. Consume some white sesame seeds each morning. The white sesame seeds are filled with calcium and magnesium. These minerals are a great way to care for your scalp and prevent hair loss.

Ensuring that you diet has the appropriate amount of protein will help slow the rate of hair loss. There are a number of high protein foods you can add, such as eggs, nuts, beans, fish, meat and poultry. This protein is turned into keratin, a protein for hair. A good amount of keratin will strengthen your follicles and slow hair loss.

Don’t brush wet hair. Air dry your hair or use a towel that is not harsh, before brushing. Wet follicles are very sensitive and you could cause damage. You can also lose hair more quickly if you brush it when it is wet.

Do not brush your hair when it is wet. Wet hair is susceptible to damage. Wait until when your hair is dried to brush it, you can brush dry hair much easier than wet. On the other hand, brushing your hair when it is wet can either cause it to become all frizzy, or worse, your hair might come out.

As you can tell, there are a number of techniques you can try that will slow, stop or prevent losing your hair. These tips can help anyone with any issue on hair loss. Don’t let hair loss ruin your life – make some changes now.

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