You Don’t Have To Live With The Discomfort Of Hemorrhoids

Pregnant women commonly develop hemorrhoids during the final six months of their pregnancy. This is caused by increased pressure on their blood vessels of the pelvic region. Hemorrhoids can be exacerbated by the pushing and straining during childbirth. Reading these tips can help you avoid the pain and trouble caused by hemorrhoids.

Changing your diet so that it includes a lot of fiber is one of the best treatments for, and prevention of, hemorrhoids. Get plenty of leafy greens, pastas and whole grain breads. Eating fiber can help your bowels move and you will not strain due to hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid sufferers can try a number of home remedies to relieve their discomfort. Experts have been known to recommend soaking in a sitz bath multiple times per day, for 5 to 10 minutes each time. Another way to minimize the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids is to apply a cold pack to the affected area.

Rutin can help resolve hemorrhoid problems. One possible cause of hemorrhoids is weakened blood vessels. Rutin facilitates proper Vitamin C absorption, and is a flavonoid able to help make blood vessels stronger. Rutin occurs naturally in onions, broccoli, and citrus fruits. The supplementary recommended daily dose is 500mg.

During bowel movements, straining too hard can cause hemorrhoids. Changing your diet to include less refined foods and drinking more water, will help to make stools easier to pass. Squatting also aids the process and reduces the need to strain during a bowel movement. As you sit on your toilet, put a small stool beneath your feet. Hemorrhoids are less common in countries where people squat instead of sitting.

Knowing the medical facts about hemorrhoids can reassure you. Educating yourself on this potentially embarrassing topic is essential if it affects you or a loved one. The basic idea is that a hemorrhoid is caused by a bundle of nerves becoming swollen and sensitive.

Experiment with natural home remedies before shelling out cash for expensive treatments and medications. Following bowel movements, try soaking in a lukewarm sitz bath for several minutes. Although the desire to scratch your itchy hemorrhoids can seem irresistible, avoid indulging as it can greatly exacerbate the problem. You can try gently patting some witch hazel onto the affected area for a bit of relief. Eating lots of fiber-rich foods, and drinking plenty of water, are both very important. This reduces the amount of strain required to pass a bowel movement.

The information in this article should have given you some ideas about how you can more effectively treat your uncomfortable hemorrhoids. If you make use of these ideas, you should be able to rid yourself of this uncomfortable problem.

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